Dermal Fillers in Edinburgh

What are Dermal Fillers and how do they work?

Dermal fillers, specifically utilising hyaluronic acid, are injectable substances designed to address various aesthetic concerns by adding volume, smoothing lines, and restoring youthful contours to the face. Hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body, helps maintain skin hydration and volume. By injecting hyaluronic acid into specific areas, such as the marionette lines, jaw, lips, cheeks, chin, and nasolabial folds, healthcare providers can achieve targeted enhancements for a more rejuvenated appearance.

Areas Treated

The areas commonly treated with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers include:

  • Marionette Lines
  • Jaw
  • Lips [including lip augmentation]
  • Cheeks
  • Chin
  • Nasolabial folds

Enhanced Facial Contours

Dermal fillers can effectively sculpt and define facial features, restoring lost volume and symmetry.

Youthful Appearance

By reducing the appearance of wrinkles and creases, dermal fillers contribute to a smoother, more youthful complexion.

Minimal Downtime

Unlike surgical procedures, dermal filler treatments typically involve minimal downtime, allowing individuals to resume their daily activities shortly after the procedure.

How soon you’ll see effects and how long they will last

The effects of hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are often visible immediately following the treatment session. These results can last from several months to over a year, depending on individual factors such as metabolism, lifestyle, and the specific areas treated.

During the Treatment​

During the dermal filler treatment, the healthcare provider will first cleanse the treatment area and apply a topical numbing cream to minimise discomfort. Using a fine needle, the hyaluronic acid filler is then injected into the targeted areas to achieve the desired volume and contour improvements. The entire procedure typically takes less than an hour to complete.

Potential Side Effects

While hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are generally considered safe, some potential side effects may occur, including:

  • Temporary swelling or bruising at the injection site
  • Redness or tenderness
  • Rarely, allergic reactions or infection

Before & Aftercare
Before Treatment
  • Inform your healthcare provider about any medical conditions, allergies, or medications you are taking, including those on anticoagulants.
  • Avoid consuming alcohol or blood-thinning medications in the days leading up to the procedure.
  • Follow any specific pre-treatment instructions provided by your healthcare provider.
After Treatment
  • Avoid touching or massaging the treated area for the first 24 hours.
  • Apply ice packs to reduce swelling and discomfort as needed.
  • Follow any post-treatment guidelines provided by your healthcare provider.

Dermal filler treatment may not be suitable for individuals with:

  • Known allergies to hyaluronic acid or other components of the filler
  • Active skin infections or inflammation in the treatment area
  • History of keloid scarring or autoimmune disorders
  • Individuals undergoing treatment with anticoagulants

Who Is It For?

Dermal filler treatment is suitable for individuals looking to address signs of aging, enhance facial contours, or achieve specific aesthetic goals without undergoing surgery. It is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare provider to determine if dermal fillers are suitable for your individual needs and goals.

By understanding the benefits, procedure details, and aftercare guidelines associated with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers, individuals can make informed decisions to enhance their aesthetic journey and achieve their desired outcomes.

Dermal Fillers Single Session
Every 1ml any area £160
Book Now!

If you’re looking for the best place for your Dermal Fillers (Lip Fillers, Lip Augmentation) in Edinburgh, consider Pretty & Perfect Aesthetic & Skin Clinic

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Pretty & Perfect - Aesthetic & Skin Clinic Edinburgh 50 Easter Road EH75RQ

What Our Clients Says

One of best place, where I’ve been. Strongly recommend! High standard service. Definitely I’ll back for another treatment.

What can I say, this was definitely a 5-star treatment! (..) I found the whole experience very professional and the aftercare is also ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I know it’s a longer process but I can already feel the difference on my skin!! Definitely 100% recommended

Anna is an absolute expert and puts me at total ease throughout my treatment. I love coming here and feel amazing when I leave. Can’t wait for my next already and I’m already seeing the changes happen to my arms with the Lemon bottle treatment, so pleased. Thanks so much Anna <3